Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gibberish By ME

I’ve noticed that all my writing thus far as been pretty calm and pensive. True, as my teacher said today, blogs tend reveal what your personal style may be, but I’m not sure how much I like this “style” I’ve been following.

So, to break away from that momentarily, I’m going to write a post about Margaret’s recent visit to Rome, in the style of how I would talk to Margaret, if she were still in Rome. And so it begins:

It was a dark and stormy morning when I woke up to my alarm. “da hell???” I was freaking exhausted from a whole night dedicated to not sleeping and I tossed my iphone to the floor before I had this epiphany: that is an iphone, the only one you’re ever gonna get, and you just threw it on the ground.


After making sure my baby was okay, I opened the blinds and oh my god, it wasn’t dark and stormy afterall. It was scarily bright and I scarily had to go make breakfast already as my roommate laughed and went back to sleep. Effffffff.

So, I made this toast thing with eggs and a plate under it and ate it with a fork. Yup, that’s right ol’ Margaret, a flippin’ fork. Bet you didn’t see THAT one coming, eh? By the way, never put a piece of bread on a frying pan with eggs and expect that something amazing will come out of it because it doesn’t. You just get some bread-egg thing that tastes like bread. And eggs. And some salt, cuz you put salt in it.

Ok, moving on! Oh my god I thought I was gonna be late because I left with a half hour to spare, which is usually the amount of time I take to get to school which is like half the distance to Margaret’s hotel all the way by the Vatican. And I was like, oh my god, she doesn’t have a phone, what am I going to do? But I got there ten minutes early, so that was weird.

Long story short, we saw stuff. Old stuff, cool stuff, new stuff, and I finally tried using my guidebook, which miffed Margaret because I tried out using a map, which never works in Rome, which I knew, but tried anyway. Also, there was a foot, a freaking marble foot. So marbley and awesome that I couldn’t believe it. Whose foot was it? An emperor? A god? No one knew! Because it was a foot! (Actually, it was probably a god’s they think) Anyway, the utter amazingness of this foot is amazing. It’s probably the best thing in Rome. But I never actually saw it, because ol’ Margaret wanted to take it easy and not obsess over the foot briefly mentioned in the page I opened my guidebook to. But one day, yes, one day, I will find this foot. I will see the glory that is the marble foot of Rome. Yes, and then you shall see, Margaret, you shall see….

And I’m going to stop there, because I just realized I like writing in a more structured way and I’m kinda tired right now anyway. Though I learned some things. What these things are are now in my head and may come out in the numerous writing I have ahead of me. Thank you random blog post.

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