Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Writing Assignment - Roman (Budget) Holiday

Movies show a lot of unbelievable things: talking frogs, light saber battles, zombies, getting by in modern Rome with only $1.50? Now that’s unbelievable.

When Princess Ann, played by Audrey Hepburn, leaves Joe Bradley’s apartment, Gregory Peck, in Roman Holiday, he lends her 1,000 lire to get by with, telling her it’s worth only $1.50 American. The sheltered princess is dazzled by the energetic street life of Rome and decides to make some purchases. As a budget conscious student living in Rome, I was amazed (and jealous) at just how far her money went. A pair of sandals, a gelato, and a haircut later and she still had change in her pocket, though sadly not enough for a bunch of flowers.

Today in Rome $1.50 would translate to 1.12 euro, a far cry from the lire of 1953. While at best this could buy you an extremely small slick of pizza or two fresh oranges at the supermarket, let’s be more realistic. Due to inflation $1.50 in 1953 is actually $11.74 in 2010. Italy has since turned to the euro, meaning a modern day Princess Ann would be traveling with about 8.70 euro in all, still not enough for her mini shopping spree.

So how can the average budget minded individual shop in Rome without help from Hollywood royalty? Well assuming you’ve found an apartment to sleep in, as Princess Ann has, you’ll still be needing food. Italy is famous for its culinary prowess but after seeing a menu you just might lose your appetite. The trick is to look for small restaurants with a simple look about them. Rule of thumb: the nicer the interior, the higher the bill. Wander through the streets of Rome, it’s a beautiful city and looking is free. Eventually you’ll walk by a cozy hole in the wall eatery that will serve up some delicious pasta at a price you’ll eat right up. Of course, if you’re aiming at sustenance instead of gourmet, there is always the supermarket. Expect to see bigger price differences than in America: a can of soda can cost fifty cents compared to three euro at a restaurant or cafĂ©.

Princess Ann’s stylish shoes from a street vendor can also be yours if you know where to look. Take a note from the movie and walk right by the expensive stores to outdoor markets like in San Giovanni, conveniently located next to a metro stop if you don’t like walking. In the neighborhood by the ancient Catholic basilica there is a daily market (closed Sundays) open from around eight in the morning to two in the afternoon outside of the park on Via Sannio. Here you can find everything from shoes to luggage and also enjoy the unforgettable experience of haggling with someone who may or may not know English. Interestingly this worked to my advantage when I was able to buy sunglasses at a third of the original price because my confused stare was taken for cool determination.

Last out of Ann’s list was exchanging her long locks for a swanky new haircut. While I am told the average price for a normal haircut in Rome is about fifteen euro, I have never had my capelli styled while abroad. Maybe one day when I’m more confident in my language abilities. But for the more adventurous types I’ve heard that all salons, large and small, have a good sense of pride in their work, hopefully eliminating the chance of the dreaded crooked cut from budget salons in America, something Princess Ann’s barber wouldn’t dream of doing. Rome is a very stylish city, so it could be worth it to update your ‘do while taking a moment to rest inside, though this will instantly put you over the coveted Princess Ann budget.

Luckily many things to do in Rome are free and just walking through the city can be visually rewarding. While things are extraordinarily more expensive now, there is a lot the movie world of Roman Holiday can teach us. Princess Ann experiences Rome as only a local could, immersing herself in a Roman world filled with cafes and Vespas, a pleasurable change from the hurried life of an average tourist. And while a vendor would probably never part with a flower for free, the people, the famous sites, and the energy present throughout is enough to leave you feeling overwhelmingly happy by the end of the day.

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